Sunday, 31 August 2014

Quotes of the week : 2

Helloww guys!

Sorry, for being late with this post and not blogging a lot at the moment,  it aren't excuses but I was enjoying my trip to Normandy, France (I went to the World Equestrian Games, what's pretty exciting). And during that trip I read a great book ( Central Parc of Guillaume Musso). He always begins his chapter with a quote, and I liked a lot one of them.

"Unto a broken heart
No other one may go
Without the high prerogative
Itself hath suffered too."  
                      -Emily Dickinson

So, here ends my new little weekly post.
I hope you enjoy and for those who go back to school ( like me) good luck tomorrow!

Love of Lou!

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Photography in Brussels.

Hellooow Guys! 
How are you? 

Not so long time ago, the Flower Carpet was back in Brussels and I found it a good idea to go there and take some pictures. I wasn't really inspired when I saw it, so I hope you enjoy anyway.

(Town Hall Of Brussels WAs Decorated Too)

(This mades me very Hungry, I Just cannot pass without taking a Picture)

(The Proudness Of Our Country, Mades Me Very Hungry Also)

(This is the wonderful skyline from Brussels, it's the first time that I saw it so beautiful! It is taken near the "Marollen", and if you look good, you can see "het zuidfoor")

Did you ever seen the flower Carpet or even Brussels?
Love of Lou!

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Quote of the Week.

Hello Guys!

Since shortly, I'm thinking about adding something new at my blog : "Quote of the week".
Because, I like quotes a lot and most of them means a lot to me and probably to most of you too.
So every weekend (saturday or sunday), there will come a quote, here is my first. (A good one to begin, from one of the greatest, in my eyes).

“Maybe our favorite quotations say more about us than about the stories and people we're quoting.” 
― John Green

Love of Lou!

Sunday, 17 August 2014

After Solds Bargains

Helllooow Guyss!

Because I'm just home, my mom wanted to do something with me (otherwise, I will spend my whole day in my sofa, depressed because I do nothing) and took me to the shopping. She remembered me that we will go to a Garden Party saturday, where you have to be dressed in "White & Cream", and I have really NOTHING in this colour. I also need a dress, for a party with theme "I <3 Fluo" (it's in Octobre, but knowing myself, I will find something the day before it). 

We have done lots of shops, without finding something. There were white clothes and some fluo, but nothing for me, nothing for a party, nothing classy. I was demoralized when I entered the "Zara", and there I found loads of fun things, for a nice price. I only bought two of them : a white classy, basic T-shirt with the bottom like it was burned (weirdcut).It costs like 8 euros, but my mom paid it for me. I like it because it is classy, but not too normal.

The second thing I bought, is something I was really hesitating for it, because I didn't know if I was going to wear it. But for only 8 euros, I cann't let it there. It is like a black crop top with like a t-shirt with long sleeves in black that's partially translucent. (I've tried to take a picture from it, but it doesn't look on a picture like it is in reality, I'm sorry!)

And then, I found I needed a golden necklace with the white t-shirt, so I bought this little necklace in the "Iam". It was also 8 euros (I bought every thing in that price today xD). I hesitated with another necklace, a big one, with flowers. I liked it but you can wear this one on more of my clothes than the other one.

What did you think about my Bargains?
Love of Lou!

Gliss Kurr : Asian straight shampoo

Helloww guys!
A while ago, I found in a cheap shop "Action" a shampoo of the Gliss Kurr Collection (Like you've probably have seen it before, I'm a great fan of Gliss Kurr), the Asian Straight Shampoo. It costs only 1.82 do, it was the moment to try!

First of all, it looks so fancy but weird for a shampoo. It's a purple translucent shampoo. And it smells soooo good! I'm in love with the smell.

After the first shower with it, I found my hair heavier than normal, maybe because there's written "for rebellious, frizzy hair".

After a week, I didn't found my hair really have changed, it's still a little bit frizzy. So, it's a good-smelling shampoo but nothing more.
Which is your favourite product of Gliss Kurr?

Love of Lou!

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Review Catrice Absolute Nude & Eyeliner.

Hellowwww Guys!

I'm sorry of not posting a lot this holidays but my holidays are surcharged (always) and I don't really have found the time to make more posts. I promise, once school recommences , I will make more.

Before I went on holiday, I bought something really nice: my Absolute Nude Palet from Catrice!
I saw also an Eyeliner and I just needed one, so I bought that one too.

I will begin with the Eyeliner, it looks simple: a black penn with the description of it in blue letters.
First, I found the black color wasn't black enough (Before this one, I had one of "Hema" and the color was harder) and that's not easy to set the line around my eye with the little wing at the end. But, once a little bit practiced, the pen made the line perfect and the wings were it also. The less hard color made it also look less vulgar. So, at the end, I'm in love with it!

Secondly, I will describe the Absolute Nude Palet.
I wanted that palet badly, like you saw it in a previous post, and was really excited when I bought it.
On the back side, you have a description how to make a perfect nude eyeshadow, who is really handy.
But I'm kind of little ( a mini little) bit disappointed about it. The colors are really beautiful, but not intense enough. Once you found the best match for your eyes, it looks natural but classy.

So, I'm satisfied but not more, Ithought it will be fancier than that.

What did you thought about Catrice Make-up?

Love of Lou!