Helllooow Guyss!
Because I'm just home, my mom wanted to do something with me (otherwise, I will spend my whole day in my sofa, depressed because I do nothing) and took me to the shopping. She remembered me that we will go to a Garden Party saturday, where you have to be dressed in "White & Cream", and I have really NOTHING in this colour. I also need a dress, for a party with theme "I <3 Fluo" (it's in Octobre, but knowing myself, I will find something the day before it).
We have done lots of shops, without finding something. There were white clothes and some fluo, but nothing for me, nothing for a party, nothing classy. I was demoralized when I entered the "Zara", and there I found loads of fun things, for a nice price. I only bought two of them : a white classy, basic T-shirt with the bottom like it was burned (weirdcut).It costs like 8 euros, but my mom paid it for me. I like it because it is classy, but not too normal.
The second thing I bought, is something I was really hesitating for it, because I didn't know if I was going to wear it. But for only 8 euros, I cann't let it there. It is like a black crop top with like a t-shirt with long sleeves in black that's partially translucent. (I've tried to take a picture from it, but it doesn't look on a picture like it is in reality, I'm sorry!)
And then, I found I needed a golden necklace with the white t-shirt, so I bought this little necklace in the "Iam". It was also 8 euros (I bought every thing in that price today xD). I hesitated with another necklace, a big one, with flowers. I liked it but you can wear this one on more of my clothes than the other one.
What did you think about my Bargains?
Love of Lou!