Saturday, 12 July 2014

CITY TRIP: London! ( London haul & photography)

Hellowww Guys!
Today I'm making a haul about everything I bought in London.
I bought more than I do normally, but yeah it was London!

I bought some socks in London: 3 Pairs in the Topshop (And also that white pair twice for a friend, little present). They are little socks with lace. I had seen a lot of girls with it in London and I found it so cute and girly. I've searched in some shops and finally found them in the Topshop. I like it really! It gives that little touch extra on every outfit you wear.
Then, I bought those two books. Like I said in a previous post, I LOVED "The fault in our stars" of John Green. So I decided in London to find other books from him and those were my two favourite ones. I bought them for only 12 £ in a shop near the "Fortum & Mason". Now, I just have to found time to read them.
When you went to the M&M's world, you always have to bought something there. I've made some pink (my favourite color) mix with the M&M's and bought a Magnets set together with my sisters. I found it funny and hope I will find a nice little place for them in my room.
One of the things I really really REALLY wanted to buy in London was something of the "Tanya Burr Cosmetics". First Superdrug store (in Candem Town) I entered they didn't have it, and I was so sad. Next day, I found a second Superdrug Store and found my happiness! I've directly tested it and I'm proud of it. It was still on my nails after a week, without using a topcoat on it (I forgot that). If you wanted to buy a nice and cheap nailpolish, try this one! It's wonderful.
I've entered in the craziest shop ever, Cyberdog. If you go to Candem Town, just take a look. I liked it! And there I found something nice to wear on a party or a festival: Hair chalk. It's a pink color. You color your hair with that, it holds one day and after a shower, you're hair is back his natural color. I haven't test it already but it is still so fancy!
I bought also (in little shops in the street) a pair of socks with the "Union Jack" , a pen and a key ring of a typical cell phone from London. And also a handbag with the union Jack. My mom brought me the previous time she went to London a wallet with the same print so I saw this bag for onlmy 2£ and don't had the courage to let him hanging there alone :D
My mother bought these two hot drinks, I found the boxes of it so nice. The first one is a hot chocolate with Caramel flavour. We bought it in Harrods. And the second box is a tea with Ginger flavour coming from the Fortum & Mason.

My favourite thing I bought in London: My pink New Balance! When I saw them and test them, I fell in love with it! I've wear them the next two days and they were super comfortable! They are so lovely! I also bought a shirt in the Hard Rock Café. It's noit the classic one because I already have one from New York. But I found this one having something nice.
In a street shop from Candem Town, I bought this awesome Starbucks Coffee crop top. It's a little bit too big but I like it like that! It is so comfortable. I also bought some tape laces for my Doc Martens. I hope they will make my Docs a little bit girlier :p I found also a little pocket to set my credit cards in it with "Kepp calm & Go shopping". It is handy and funny. And the last thing on the picture above is a Fresh breath spray of the "Marks & Spencer". We don't have that in Belgium (I never saw it), it's like in the movies. I found it something you have to have in your handbag.

Finally, I've taken loads of pictures in London and I want to show you my favourite ones. I hope you will like it. Enjoy!


  1. Wauw, wat heb je veel gekocht! Ben zelf al een keer of 4 naar londen geweest. Die stad word je nooit beu! Groetjes!

    Ps. Er is momenteel een winactie op mijn site. Het zou leuk zijn mocht je ook meedoen. :)

    1. I will take a look! :D Ik hou enorm veel van die stad,hopelijk ga ik er later studeren! :D

  2. Ik ben er nog nooit geweest dus deze foto's en aankoopjes zijn heel leuk om te zien voor mij :)!

    1. Als je ooit de kans krijgt, zeker gaan!:) Je hebt er heel veel leuke en vooral aparte spulletjes :)
