Sunday, 28 September 2014

Quote of the week #6

Here I am again, with my quote of the week!
I found this one, and I thought it was a good one for me and for, I think, a lot of us.
Because, sometimes, life isn't easy and than a little quote like this gives you the power to continu.

"Rise and rise again until lambs become lion."
- Robin Hood

What did you think about it ? 

Love of Lou!

Thursday, 25 September 2014

New Hema & Essence Make up!

Not so long ago, I thought changing something in my make-up was needed. My make-up was since too long the same (same brands, same powders,..) So, I found it was time to change something, maybe something little but change it. So, I thought to change my concealer (and my eyeshadow but I have already presented my eyeshadow: Metal Liquid Eyeshadow).
 I went to the "Hema" and "Kruidvat" (I like those shops for their make-up, they are'n't expensive and the quality is GREAT! I've bought all my first make-up there. I totally trust those shops) and searched for a new concealer and found two nice onces. Like I said, it wasn't expensive so I bought both of them. 

The first of them is the " 16h Concealer of Essence". It is my favourite one of them. It's like a little lipstick-stick, with that "crème" on it. When you put it on your skin, it's very easy and quick to spread it on your whole face. It also doesn't stick on you, you don't feel it anymore once it has spread. It hides your puffiness so good and stays a whole day, and really that  is what makesa concealer perfectIt costs not more than 3.- (I can't find the price anymore, sorry!) I like it!

The second one is a more complicated. It isn't that I don't like it, it's just a more difficult system of using it and that takes too much time in my opinion. You have to press on the little bottom so there comes a little bit of concealer on the brush. Sometimes you have to press several times for receiving enough concealer. And other times, you just press one time and there is too much of it. But the color is good and it doesn't stick on you also.
 It costs 5.-
Conclusion: I'm very happy having bought those two concealers, the first more than the second one but they are really recommended!

Love of Lou!

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Quote of the week #5

Hellooo everyone! 

Today, my quote of the week is one I really needed this week... It's one of my favourite Youtubers (which you saw in a previous post). that tweeted it. 

It's maybe not the most beautifull one, but it's so true... and that's what made me like it. He perfectly knows about what he's talking and changed it... So, this week I've read this quote a lot and changed what I could change. 

So, maybe it could even help you...At least I hope so!

Love Of Lou!

Monday, 15 September 2014

Catrice: Gold 'n Roses Liquid Metal Eyeshadow

I saw recently this eyeshadow of Catrice, the Gold 'n Roses (020) Liquid Metal eyeshadow , and it immediatly stand me out ! It is a gold shiny eyeshadow with a ros glow. That latest thing makes it really beautiful, classy and girly. I like it ! 
I bought it together with my Eyeliner pen, which I already have presented in an previous post.
It is still the best eyeliner I have ever had, so I'm gonna make a little collection of these :)

The Gold 'n Roses eyeshadow has also a little wave in it, with like a the pattern of the scales of a fish. It makes it more fancy than it already is.

When I tried, I was really satisfied because it is really the color like it is in the box. And it still rest the whole day ! I'm in love with it !

And that only for €3.99, so yeah, it is really a musthave!

I hope you enjoyed!

What did you think about the Liquid Metal Collection?

Love of Lou!

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Quote of The Week #4

Hey everyone!
Here I'm back with my quote of the week... and this week I've chosen one from my favourite series. I found it in the list of best quotations of Game of Thrones, and I have to admit... I think it's really something that you have to do. I'm still trying to accept mine.
“Once you’ve accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you.” 
― George R.R. Martin
What do you think about this quote?
Have a beautiful weekend!
Love of Lou !

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Favourites of August.

Hellooowww Guys!
How are you all?

Well, today I realised it's too long ago that I made a post about the Favourites of the Month. So, I thought it was a good idea to do one because I really like that!
First of all, I'm still loving my pink New Balance! Like I told you, I'm an animator in the vacantions and it's a "job" where you are all the time standing, occupated and you never have really the time to sit down with the childs. So, yes, a pair of comfortable shoes are inevitable. I needed this shoes the whole summer, and they are still looking really good!

After that, I used a lot two eyeshadows: the Catrice Absolute Nude palet and a palet of Terre Indienne. The first one, I already told you about it in a previous post, is really a must have for a natural and summer look. I use it a lot. The second one, I'm more using it to hide my pufiness. I haven't had the time to sleep a lot this holidays, and this eyeshadow hide it perfect!
This is maybe kind of weird, adding this one here, because it isn't really an object, but I'm doing it anyway.

My Thirth favourite is the Café Latté for Senseo. I've learned to drink coffee this vacations, with a lot of milk and sugar of course. And at home, we have a Senseo with a lot of different patches with different tastes. Before this, I always drunk the Cappucino Speculoos but the Café Latté is a little bit creamier and I prefer it that way. It's really something to try!

I haven't already told you about this, but yeah, since shortly I really wanted a handbag but not one like you bought in the "Pimkie" or "H&M" or a shop like that. I wanted one of real leather, from a brand of handbags. So, in July after working a week, I went to a handbag shop, looked to all the solds and liked two handbags one of  Esprit en one of ROCCOBAROCCO. The first one was more like an (nonchalante) handbag and the second a silver classy handbag. I found that the second one was perfectly what I was searching for. So, I bought this lovely silver handbag of ROCCOBAROCCO.
 I love it a lot ! (A picture will come later)

What are your favourites of this month?

Love of Lou!

Monday, 8 September 2014

Quotes of the week : 3

Hellooow Guys!
What's up?

I'm sorry for this , a little bit too late post, but I had really no time and I didn't found a quote. After searching a long time, I found one I like. I have once read a book of Stephen King and it is really one of my favourites. So, I thought a quote à la mysterious way of Stephen King was a good idea.

“Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.”
― Stephen King

I hope you liked it and that you forgive me for lateness.

Love of Lou!

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Making : Creme of Chocolate.

Hellooowww Guys!

How are you doing ?

The 31th August, I wanted to bake or cook something (dessert) because next day school would begin. Normally, I always cook a "Moelleux au Chocolate" but my mom wanted to change, so she asked if I can't rather cook a "Creme of Chocolate". So, I tried it, it was easy but took a lot of time. I'm sorry, I forgot to take a picture of it.

The Ingredients:
-1 gallon of milk.
-200gr black chocolate.
-100gr sugar ( If you liked it very sweet, otherwise, use less sugar)
-50 gr of butter
-40 gr of flour.
The Recipe:

Make a Bechamel with the butter and flour, make sure you cook it enough. Then putt the milk in the bechamel and continu to cook it till it's a creme (solid enough). Then add the sugar at the preparation. And finally, put the black chocolate in pieces in the creme and let it cook during 5 - 10 minutes. Put the creme in different little pots and it's ready!

Have you tried it? What did you thought of it?

Love of Lou!