Friday, 28 August 2015

Lou and the Chocolate Factory.

Hello you there!

Today has been kind of weird day, like a day they called "where you turn a page, begin a new chapter, etc". It was my last day of work of this summer in a chocolate factory. You may find this weird that I find this so important, but it was my first month of real work (not like being an animator) that I do during the summer. I've done some days there too before, like with Christmas or Valentine but it was never a long time.

The first day, I will Always remember, it was a loooong day ( I thought it was endless, I didn't imagine how I could survive there a month). We had filled boxes with chocolate, they learned me how to pack good,etc. But in the afternoon, I received a big box with bags and a roll of stickers. I had to stick 800 stickers on the bottom of the bags... I thought they were just kidding, giving me the shitty work because I was just a student. When I went proudly to the one who gave me the bags and said I finished them all, she said "Now you have to put the cardboards in all the bags". In the evening, after work, I was thinking this would be one hell if it was like this the whole month.

And yes, it was still boring work every day: filling boxes with (sometimes the same) chocolates, weighing them, put a catalog with the different chocolates in it, pack them in a gift package, close them with a knot or bow. But, there was Always something different, another praline, another gift package,...

So, every day I've learned how the working life was but also that you had to enjoy the little differnces, appreciate your colleagues and make the best of every moment. Otherwise, a day can be very long. (One day, we were all so tired of putting the same praline in the same box, that we were like singing with the radio, making stupid jokes and things like that. It's weird if you know that my colleagues had children a little bit younger or mostly older than me. But I liked it!)

And did you do some work this holidays? How was your experience?

Love of Lou!

Monday, 24 August 2015

Movie Time: The Age of Adaline

Hey there!

I finally found how to change my Bio again haha! It's a better one for the new beginning, now I have to change my background but I have really no idea in which... if you have any suggestion, leave a message!

Okay, now back to the subject: not so long time ago I saw there was a new movie coming out: The Age of Adaline with Blake Lively. First, just looking at the pictures I thought it was going to be an extraordinary movie but reading the resume of it, I found it totaly weird. (But my sister came saying it was so beautiful and that I had to see it. I am grateful to her that she kind of obliged me, otherwise I would have missed that little pearl!)

Adaline, is a a young woman born at the turn of the 20th century, is made ageless after an accident in a night. After a long time of solidarity, she finally met someone who is worth to give up her eternal life.

In the beginning, it tooks a certain time before the story really began but from the begin I was totaly fan of Adaline aka Blake. She is dressed classy all the time, vintage but fashionable. Beside she's dressed very well, she Always does her hair perfectly! Here there are some of her hairstyles. When she first met Ellis, she seemed to be really sure of herself and playing a hard-to-get, but you realise that she's just protecting him (and herself). She's a character everybody would like because of her tenderness and quietness.

Ellis, the man who felt in love with Adaline, is a real gentleman like every woman wants to meet one day. I have to admit, I also found him charming and lovely. He's probable not the most beautiful man but he's surely an example for men nowadays.
In the end, I found it a touching movie, with a moving story of two loving persons. I loved it!
Have you seen the movie ? Did you like it?
Love of Lou!

Friday, 21 August 2015

New beginning & Mons 2015.

Hey everyone!

It's been a while I've blogged and I thought stopping it at all. Since a while I think of blogging again, because I really miss it. But this time I don't want to blog about make-up, clothes,etc. No, this time I want to write about whatever I want. This blog is going to be a kind of diary where I just going to put my ideas about everything. I hope you're going to enjoy it more than before.

So let's began with something I've done a little time ago, but just found the pictures back of it. Mons 2015. The European city of Culture in 2015. I was excited when I heard it was in Belgium so we went this summer with the whole family to see it, like a month ago. It was a warm summerday, but not too warm. I was thinking about everything what could be there, all the beautiful things that would be set up, etc when we rode to Mons.

Once there, we parked our car in a little thiny parking open especially for Mons 2015. Then we searched our way thourght the Streets of Mons. Which, I found, was not so easy. There was nothing to indicate the way or whatever. Okay, when we approached the place with the Giant Sunflower Labyrinth, all shops had a little sunflower at their door.

We didn't do the Labyrinth, because the queue of people was just too long under the burning sun. So first, my mom and I took some pictures of the sunflowers in the middle of the city and then we went searching the other things of Culture to see.

We haven't find a lot, and that was just a big disapointement for me (and other people probably also): there wasn't a lot. Jus those awesome words, quotes and phrases everywhere in the city. But otherwise, there wasn't a lot.... Even in the shopping Streets, lots of shops were closed, no flowers on any house, etc.

 (I like this one, I don't know why but that quote with the closed windows... matching perfectly)

 I love to see the Streets just decorated with something simple but so powerful: Words.


Even if it wasn't such a big deal as I hoped it would be, I was happy to go there because it was a nice little family trip ending with a Ice Cream (what Always make a lot of things better).

Do you went to Mons 2015 or in another year to a European City of Culture? What was there to see?

Love of Lou!