Hey everyone!
It's been a while I've blogged and I thought stopping it at all. Since a while I think of blogging again, because I really miss it. But this time I don't want to blog about make-up, clothes,etc. No, this time I want to write about whatever I want. This blog is going to be a kind of diary where I just going to put my ideas about everything. I hope you're going to enjoy it more than before.

So let's began with something I've done a little time ago, but just found the pictures back of it. Mons 2015. The European city of Culture in 2015. I was excited when I heard it was in Belgium so we went this summer with the whole family to see it, like a month ago. It was a warm summerday, but not too warm. I was thinking about everything what could be there, all the beautiful things that would be set up, etc when we rode to Mons.

Once there, we parked our car in a little thiny parking open especially for Mons 2015. Then we searched our way thourght the Streets of Mons. Which, I found, was not so easy. There was nothing to indicate the way or whatever. Okay, when we approached the place with the Giant Sunflower Labyrinth, all shops had a little sunflower at their door.

We didn't do the Labyrinth, because the queue of people was just too long under the burning sun. So first, my mom and I took some pictures of the sunflowers in the middle of the city and then we went searching the other things of Culture to see.
We haven't find a lot, and that was just a big disapointement for me (and other people probably also): there wasn't a lot. Jus those awesome words, quotes and phrases everywhere in the city. But otherwise, there wasn't a lot.... Even in the shopping Streets, lots of shops were closed, no flowers on any house, etc.
(I like this one, I don't know why but that quote with the closed windows... matching perfectly)
I love to see the Streets just decorated with something simple but so powerful: Words.
Even if it wasn't such a big deal as I hoped it would be, I was happy to go there because it was a nice little family trip ending with a Ice Cream (what Always make a lot of things better).
Do you went to Mons 2015 or in another year to a European City of Culture? What was there to see?
Love of Lou!
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