Helloww Guys!
Summer is finally back and the festivals that follow also!
So I went to Rock Werchter the 6th July to see Bastille, Rudimental & Stromae.
I was really excited since the morning, don't knowing what to wear, what to take with me, etc.
Finally, I wear my starbucks crop top, a jeans short & pink shoes.
The train & bus journey was long, I wanted to be there immediately :3
When we arrived, we took a look everywhere (the bands that were singing wasn't my style) and I bought a fake stretch in one of those little shops.
Than we went to the Mainstage to see Rudimental, we had a place in the second part, but we saw everything perfectly.
It was a nice concert, good atmosphère. They song their new song, I think it's called "too cool to love me". I liked it!
We searched something eat, I think I only eat Churros and waffles there, and than we were supposed to go see Bastille.
But suddenly, there's like a GIANT storm! Well, that doesn't stop me. I went to Bastille and had more place to party. Dan Smith excused himself all the time because of the rain, he said also he had the best fans :D So during a song, he came down off the podium and walked in the little way that separate the first part of the second part. I was just next to this way, so YES I TOUCHED HIM AND SAW HIM FROM LIKE 1 METER OF ME! That really makes my day complete! It was the birthday of Woody, the drummer. He song bad blood, weight of living, these street, overjoyed, Icarus, The draw (which is for the moment my favorite song of them), things we lost in the fire, also he song Of the night, where he has asked us to dance with him (it was just jumping & going to your knees) and Pompei where he aasked us to let swing our raincoats. It was really the best concert of the day, he has done that perfectly! See you Next year, Bastille!

Then we went seeing Birdy a little bit, but she was already began so we just heared her. We couldn't see a lot. We also wanted to see Lykke Li, but I found it really boring and my friend too, so we went to the Mainstage for preparing us to go see Kings Of Leon. Franz Ferdinand was singing when we were waiting. It wasn't bad, I found the song nicer then when I searched it weeks before. My friend and I had beautiful places for Kings of Leon, we saw perfectly, not loads of space, but that doesn't matter. The concert was nice, he was stopping after singing "Use Someone" WITHOUT singing "Sex on fire". Everybody was still singing "Use Someone", that he finally returns for singing 3 songs and finished with "Sex on Fire".
And than, the least our lovely, Belgian Stromae! When I bought my ticket, I thought it was a bad idea to end with him. But WAW, after seeing it I'm sure it was a genius idea. He gave us a show, like no one can do this! He always made a little intro for every song and changed his clothes with every song, but still it was awesome! He song ta fete, formidabel, ave cesaria, batard, humain a l'eau, papaoutai and ofc Alors on Dance!
After that, there was firework to cloture the whole festival. I didn't see a lot of it because I was too near the podium. Rock Werchter was my first festival, and I will come back next year! (Sorry for the bad quality of the pictures, I had only my phone with me)
Do you went to Rock Werchter? What did youthought of it?
Love of Lou!